Emily Brontë
Nueva edición de una obra maestra de la literatura inglesa y victoriana, con introducción de Virginia Woolf y posfacio de Ángeles Caso.
En una gélida noche de tormenta, un hombre busca refugio en Cumbres Borrascosas. Allí, en la casa que corona los páramos de Yorkshire, conocerá los tumultuosos acontecimientos que desolaron el lugar años atrás: una trágica historia de amor y venganza entre Heathcliff y Catherine Earnshaw, dos seres indómitos,...
Extrait : "1801. — Je viens de rentrer après une visite à mon propriétaire, l'unique voisin don’t j'aie à m'inquiéter. En vérité, ce pays-ci est merveilleux ! Je ne crois pas que j'eusse pu trouver, dans toute l'Angleterre, un endroit plus complètement à l'écart de l'agitation mondaine."
Emily Jane Brontë foi uma escritora e poetisa britânica, autora do romance O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes "Wuthering Heights", hoje considerado um clássico da literatura mundial. A obra O morro dos Ventos Uivantes, se destaca como a expressão mais violenta já escrita do resultado do ascetismo e isolamento extremos. Uma história de amor completamente psicótica, bem distante dos romances de suas duas irmãs. Quando foi publicado em 1847, sob o pseudnimo...
4) Sturmhöhe
Emily Brontë: Sturmhöhe Neu editiert, in aktualisierter Rechtschreibung Voll verlinkt und mit eBook-Inhaltsverzeichnis Mit einem Stammbaum der Earnshaws und Lintons, sowie einer Timeline mit den Lebensdaten der Hauptpersonen Sturmhöhe gehört zu den großen epischen Familienerzählungen und ist in eine Reihe mit vom Winde verweht oder doktor Schiwago zu stellen. Die Geschichte ist so bewegend, weil sie-wie jeder dieser großen Romane-archaische...
In Cime Tempestose, Emily Brontë dipinge una storia struggente di amore, vendetta e del potere distruttivo dell'ossessione. Ambientato sullo sfondo selvaggio e indomito delle brughiere dello Yorkshire, questo capolavoro gotico si addentra nelle passioni che spingono i suoi personaggi alla follia e alla rovina. La storia si svolge con l'arrivo del signor Lockwood, un nuovo inquilino di Thrushcross Grange, che rimane rapidamente invischiato nella storia...
These heart-soaring tales of romance and tragedy are widely considered four of the finest novels in English literature. Wuthering Heights is an immortal story of love and obsession on the stormy Yorkshire moors. The fate of the Earnshaw family is forever changed when they adopt a dark-skinned orphan boy named Heathcliff. As the years pass, Heathcliff and young Catherine Earnshaw fall deeply in love, but their passion cannot survive the pressures of...
From the moment of his adoption by the Earnshaws, the foundling boy Heathcliff devotes himself to their young daughter Catherine. Growing up together, the two share a love that blossoms into romance, until Catherine's hurtful betrayal. But Heathcliff's emotions know no bounds and acknowledge no limits--not even death. Determined to secure the family estate of Wuthering Heights as his own, the tyrannical Heathcliff vents his bitterness on his and Catherine's...
Plongez dans l'univers sauvage et tourmenté des landes du Yorkshire avec Les Hauts de Hurlevent, un chef-d'œuvre incontournable de la littérature gothique. Ce roman intense raconte l'histoire d'amour passionnelle et destructrice entre Heathcliff, un orphelin au tempérament sombre, et Catherine Earnshaw, une jeune femme déchirée entre sa passion pour lui et son désir de respecter les conventions sociales.
Emily Brontë explore avec brio...
De retour de voyage, Mr Earnshaw ramène avec lui un enfant abandonné, Heathcliff. Ses enfants réagissent mal, et leurs réactions rapellent des orages qui frappent le domaine des Hauts du Hurlevent. Le fils Hindley ne veut pas de cet enfant et le tourmente. La fille, Catherine par contre, se lie immédiatement à lui, et lui voue un amour insaisissable et fusionnel. Les trois grandissent ensemble, malgré cet amas de sentiments aussi forts qu'opposés....
"Wuthering Heights," penned by the enigmatic Emily Brontë, unfolds a mesmerizing tapestry of passion, betrayal, and the haunting echoes of love across generations. Set against the desolate backdrop of the Yorkshire moors, the narrative unfolds through the eyes of Mr. Lockwood, a city gentleman who becomes entangled in the mysterious affairs of Wuthering Heights and its elusive inhabitants.
The novel's beating heart is the tumultuous relationship...
Wuthering Heights is a tale of passion, revenge, and the destructive power of love. The novel is narrated by Mr. Lockwood, a gentleman from London who rents a house called Thrushcross Grange in the Yorkshire moors. He becomes intrigued by the mysterious goings-on at Wuthering Heights, the nearby estate owned by the reserved and surly Heathcliff. The main narrative unfolds through the eyes of Nelly Dean, a servant who has witnessed the events at Wuthering...
Emily Brontë's only novel Wuthering Heights remains one of literature's most disturbing explorations into the dark side of romantic passion. Heathcliff and Cathy believe they're destined to love each other forever, but when cruelty and snobbery separate them, their untamed emotions literally consume them.
This new digital edition of Wuthering Heights from Immortal Books includes an image gallery and two biographical essays on Emily Brontë.
13) Un amant
Un amant est un roman puissant et envoûtant d'Emily Brontë, qui explore les profondeurs de l'amour passionné et destructeur. Situé dans les landes sauvages du Yorkshire, l'histoire tourne autour de l'intense relation entre Catherine Earnshaw et Heathcliff, un homme au passé mystérieux et au tempérament sauvage. Leur amour, à la fois ardent et tumultueux, transcende les normes sociales et les limites de la morale, conduisant à une spirale...
Emily Brontës "Sturmhöhe" – erstmals 1847 als "Wuthering Heights" erschienen – gilt als Meisterwerk der englischen Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts und ist das bekannteste Werk der Brontë-Schwestern.
In der rauen Landschaft Yorkshires entfaltet sich eine Geschichte von fast dämonischer Emotionalität. Das Findelkind Heathcliff und Catherine Earnshaw verbindet eine tiefe Seelenverwandtschaft, die durch Catherines Heirat mit einem anderen Mann...
Emily Brontë (1818-1848), of the well-known Brontë family, is best known for her novel "Wuthering Heights," which has been deemed a classic of English literature. She wrote two complete notebooks of poetry by 1844, which were soon discovered by her sister, Charlotte. At Charlotte's urging, Emily began publishing the poems in collaborative works with her two sisters under the pseudonyms Acton, Ellis and Currer Bell. Emily's poems were praised by...
Gems of literature in a luxurious and unique design by Marjolein Bastin.
The Marjolein Bastin Classics Series is a chance to rediscover classic literature in collectible, luxuriously illustrated volumes. For the first time ever, the internationally celebrated artwork of Marjolein Bastin graces the pages of a timeless classic, Wuthering Heights, the story of Heathcliff and Catherine. Beyond bringing these stories to life, Bastin's series adds elaborately...
Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë were successful poets and novelists in their own right; however, their careers began with several collaborative works of stories and poetry. They first wrote under male pseudonyms as they feared retribution by the male-dominated literary world if they published works under their own names. They attracted attention immediately, and soon after found success with works like Charlotte's "Jane Eyre" and Emily's "Wuthering...
A haunting tale of Gothic romance and bitter vengeance entwines two families in a life and death drama spanning three generations. The windswept landscape of the Yorkshire moors is a fitting backdrop to the equally stormy inhabitants of the bleak farmhouse, Wuthering Heights, and the noble mansion called Thrushcross Grange. When circumstances bring the Linton and Earnshaw families together with the orphan Heathcliff, a complex saga of all-consuming...
This collection brings together five novels by Anne, Charlotte, and Emily Brontë in one volume.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë: When a visitor arrives at a gloomy and isolated house in northern England, he discovers a story of passion, vengeance, and tragedy, in this gothic novel that shocked the readers of its day.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë: Revolutionary for its time, this Victorian novel is narrated by its titular character, telling...
Das Beste von Austen und Brontë (Stolz und Vorurteil, Emma, Sturmhöhe, Jane Eyre) Für die eBook-Ausgabe neu editiert, mit aktualisierter Rechtschreibung Voll verlinkt, und mit eBook-Inhaltsverzeichnis Mit einem aktuellen Vorwort des Herausgebers sowie Kurz-Biographien der Autorinnen Beinhaltet die Titel: Stolz und Vorurteil (Jane Austen), Emma (Jane Austen), Sturmhöhe (Emily Brontë) und Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë) /// Jane Austen starb im Jahre...