Sarah Dessen
1) That summer
Appears on list
During the summer of her divorced father's remarriage and her sister's wedding, fifteen-year-old Haven comes into her own by letting go of the myths of the past.
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"Emma Saylor doesn't remember a lot about her mother, who died when Emma was twelve. But she does remember the stories her mom told her about the big lake that went on forever, with cold, clear water and mossy trees at the edges. Now it's just Emma and her dad, and life is good, if a little predictable ... until Emma is unexpectedly sent to spend the summer with her mother's family that she hasn't seen since she was a little girl. When Emma arrives...
Isolated from friends who believe the worst because she has not been truthful with them, sixteen-year-old Annabel finds an ally in classmate Owen, whose honesty and passion for music help her to face and share what really happened at the end-of-the-year party that changed her life.
6) Lock and key
When she is abandoned by her alcoholic mother, high school senior Ruby winds up living with Cora, the sister she has not seen for ten years, and learns about Cora's new life, what makes a family, how to allow people to help her when she needs it, and that she too has something to offer others.
Peyton, Sydney's charismatic older brother, has always been the star of the family, receiving the lion's share of their parents' attention and -- lately -- concern. When Peyton's increasingly reckless behavior culminates in an accident, a drunk driving conviction, and a jail sentence, Sydney is cast adrift, searching for her place in the family and the world. When everyone else is so worried about Peyton, is she the only one concerned about the victim...
10) Someone like you
Halley's junior year of high school includes the death of her best friend Scarlett's boyfriend, the discovery that Scarlett is pregnant, and Halley's own first serious relationship.
Una historia inolvidable sobre el primer amor y la relación con la familia, de la mano de una de las mejores autoras para jóvenes.
Emma Marina tiene planeadas sus vacaciones a la perfección. Lo que no se imagina es que un pequeño cambio de planes cambiará su vida. El suyo será un verano de autodescubrimiento, de secretos familiares y del primer amor, temas en los que Sarah Dessen brilla con fuerza.
Penguin Books
Pub. Date
"It's easy to become jaded when things don't go your way. But sometimes the things you expect the least are the things you need the most. Sometimes a big, daunting change is what you need to move past what's been and embrace what's going to be. Whether that's saying goodbye to old friends or saying hello to new friends, found family, and loves, embracing change will help you forget your past. From #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah Dessen,...
Maeva Young
Pub. Date
Raised by a mother who has had five husbands, eighteen-year-old Remy believes in short-term, no-commitment relationships until she meets Dexter, a rock band musician.
"La regla de oro de Remy es no enamorarse nunca, jamás, bajo ninguna circunstancia. Es una chica inteligente y muy popular, pero teme involucrarse en una relación y siempre decide cortar antes de que la cosa se ponga seria. Sin pretenderlo, es una rompe-corazones, como su madre, una...
19) How to deal
New Line Home Entertainment
Pub. Date
Halley Martin faces her senior year in high school as her parents split up, her sister gets engaged, her grandmother moves in, and her best friend becomes pregnant. Even though Halley's problems seem big, she faces an even bigger challenge, learning "how to deal" with falling in love.