Peter Hawkins
Coaching y liderazgo de equipos está enfocado en aquellas personas cuya función es desarrollar y potenciar un equipo. Proporciona una serie de herramientas y técnicas prácticas para facilitar el rendimiento eficaz del equipo. Incluye una guía de las principales áreas del coaching de equipo, incluidos el coaching de la junta directiva y la supervisión del coaching de equipo.
An historical novel based around two main characters, Gumshu and Grundwell, who are born into humble beginnings and then rise to become heads of highly successful business empires in the coal and woollen industries. Set in and around the Forest of Dean in the English county of Gloucestershire in the early 1600s, the story also gets a strong maritime flavour through the introduction of the two as evolving ship owners whose vessels ply the southern...
Why do most contemporary Christians pull a blank when it comes to imagining a life with God after death? Although the Bible is largely silent on the issue, our world is completely riveted by the up-to-date visions of heaven and hell that stock bookstore shelves and are found everywhere on the Internet. But what are believers to think and to say about the "undiscovered country" that is the life to come-from the pulpit, at the hospital, or in our daily...
Appears on these lists
Tomie de Paola's first story featuring his beloved Strega Nona character, who began life in the 1970s as a doodle, and was the perfect creation for his Italianized retelling of Der süße Brei, Grimm's Fairy Tales, number 103. Der süße Brei, or The sweet porridge, is better known in English as The magic porridge pot.
When Strega Nona leaves him alone with her magic pasta pot, Big Anthony is determined to show the townspeople how it works.
7) Moon man
The man in the moon outwits the police in several escapades on Earth with the help of his waxing and waning powers and the friendship of a 300-year-old scientist.
9) The Hat
A charming story by Tomi Ungerer.
The black top hat with magic powers blew into the one-legged soldier's life, made him a wealthy man, and then blew out again.