Andrew Johnson
What really happened on 9/11? What can the evidence tell us? Who is covering up the evidence, and why are they covering it up? This book attempts to give some answers to these questions and has been written by someone who has become deeply involved in research into what happened on 9/11. A study of the available evidence will challenge you and much of what you assumed to be true.
Unlock Your Business's Winning Edge with Contemporary Insights from the Pro Sports Playbook
In the fiercely competitive realms of Management, Leadership, and Strategy, success demands more than just innovative ideas and robust execution. It requires a winning edge – a fusion of strategy, leadership, and relentless motivation that transcends conventional business wisdom. Iron
...Have aliens really visited us? What do they look like? Where do they come from and why are they here? Have they given us messages in Crop Circles? What historical evidence is there that aliens have been involved in the evolution or creation of humans? Is there a UFO/Alien cover up? If so, how is it kept in place?This book embodies an attempt to give some answers to the questions above, based on a compilation and distillation of evidence collected
...This bundle is a trio of Andrew Johson's masterpieces on Day Trading, which includes:
Day Trading: A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading: Discover How to Be a Day Trading King AND Day Trading: The Ultimate Guide to Day Trading: Uncovering Day Trading Profit Making Secrets AND Day Trading: Strategies on How to Excel at Day Trading.
This is more than enough information and strategies to get you started and...
This guide attempts to introduce the 'C' Programming Language to the novice programmer, using Linux as the host environment. This means you can learn C on a Raspberry Pi or you can use a distribution such as Ubuntu linux installed on a PC or use VirtualBox. You should find the examples easy to digest and you should be able to complete it with about 40 hours of study and practice. This guide will not teach you everything you need to know
...Addiction, is just a word but to be honest, it is the biggest problem our generation is facing today, you are not alone, we all are addicted, yes that's true, we all are addicted to one thing or other, the level of addiction can differ but we cannot deny that today's society is addicted to one thing or other
To be true it is never easy to get rid of addiction, you may ask why? Well let me tell you, addiction starts with a habit, and with time
Most of us who have an interest in the planet we live on have seen diagrams showing the Earth's interior. We are told it is very hot and made of iron. Is this really true? How far have we actually "dug down" to find this "hot ball of iron"? Where did our enormous oceans come from and have they always been here? And anyway, how did our planet form? Have you ever looked at a map and noticed how the east coast of Africa seems to fit against the west
...Odette is a Jinn who just wanted to be left alone, until the Copperhead Witch messed with her friends. Now she's out for vengeance with the help of a storm spirit—her ex—as well as a changeling and if she's really lucky, a dragon. But the Copperhead Witch has her own agenda and is absolutely ruthless about it, so Odette may be getting more than she bargained for...
How to Become a Real Estate Investing King
Discover the best real estate investment strategies. This ultimate real estate blueprint will unlock the keys to the very lucrative real estate market.
When it comes to reliable investment opportunities, real estate is one of the most time-tested of all options, having been successfully turning a profit as long as the concept of land ownership has existed. As such, it...