Celeste Ng
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Easthampton - Families Are Complicated
Jones Library's Contemporary Book Club Reading List
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Easthampton - Families Are Complicated
Jones Library's Contemporary Book Club Reading List
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"In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is planned -- from the layout of the winding roads, to the colors of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules. Enter Mia Warren -- an enigmatic artist and single mother -- who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenaged daughter Pearl,...
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Fitchburg - Asian, Asian American, & Pacific Islander Month
Southborough Staff Picks- Popular Fiction
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Fitchburg - Asian, Asian American, & Pacific Islander Month
Southborough Staff Picks- Popular Fiction
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"Lydia is dead. But they don't know this yet. So begins the story of this exquisite debut novel, about a Chinese American family living in 1970s small-town Ohio. Lydia is the favorite child of Marilyn and James Lee; their middle daughter, a girl who inherited her mother's bright blue eyes and her father's jet-black hair. Her parents are determined that Lydia will fulfill the dreams they were unable to pursue-in Marilyn's case that her daughter become...
Appears on these lists
2023 Massachusetts Book Awards - Fiction
Jones Library - Janet's Picks
Jones Library's Most Borrowed Print Books of 2023
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Jones Library - Janet's Picks
Jones Library's Most Borrowed Print Books of 2023
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"From the number one bestselling author of Little Fires Everywhere, a deeply suspenseful and heartrending novel about the unbreakable love between a mother and child in a society consumed by fear Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving but broken father, a former linguist who now shelves books in Harvard University's library. Bird knows to not ask too many questions, stand out too much, or stray too far. For a decade,...
4) Małe ogniska
Wydawnictwo Papierowy Księżyc
"In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is planned -- from the layout of the winding roads, to the colors of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules. Enter Mia Warren -- an enigmatic artist and single mother -- who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenaged daughter Pearl,...
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"Niezwykle poruszająca opowieść o świecie, w którym książki zakazywane są z przyczyn rasowych. To także przejmująca historia o niepohamowanej sile miłości między matką a dzieckiem w społeczeństwie pochłoniętym strachem. 'Nasze zaginione serca' to historia o tym, jak pozornie cywilizowane społeczności mogą ignorować najbardziej dotkliwą niesprawiedliwość. To powieść o sile i ograniczeniach kultury w kreowaniu zmian społecznych,...
Jiangsu feng huang wen yi chu ban she
Pub. Date
"Lydia is dead. But they don't know this yet. So begins the story of this exquisite debut novel, about a Chinese American family living in 1970s small-town Ohio. Lydia is the favorite child of Marilyn and James Lee; their middle daughter, a girl who inherited her mother's bright blue eyes and her father's jet-black hair. Her parents are determined that Lydia will fulfill the dreams they were unable to pursue-in Marilyn's case that her daughter become...
Prószyński i S-ka
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Tak zaczyna się ta znakomita debiutancka powieść opowiadająca o rodzinie Amerykanów chińskiego pochodzenia mieszkającej na prowincji w Ohio w latach siedemdziesiątych. Lydia jest oczkiem w głowie Marilyn i Jamesa Lee; odziedziczyła jasnoniebieskie oczy matki i kruczoczarne włosy ojca. Rodzice pragną, by Lydia spełniła marzenia, które sami musieli porzucić-- Marilyn chce, żeby została lekarzem, a nie gospodynią domową, James, żeby...
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Set in a Lower East Side tenement in the early days of the COVID-19 lockdowns, Fourteen Days is an irresistibly propulsive collaborative novel from the Authors Guild, with an unusual twist: each character in this diverse, eccentric cast of New York neighbors has been secretly written by a different, major literary voice--from Margaret Atwood and John Grisham to Tommy Orange and Celeste Ng. One week into the COVID-19 shutdown, tenants of a Lower East...
12) Fourteen days
Harper Audio
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One week into the COVID-19 shutdown, tenants of a Lower East Side apartment building in Manhattan have begun to gather on the rooftop and tell stories. With each passing night, more and more neighbors gather, bringing chairs and milk crates and overturned pails. Gradually the tenants, some of whom have barely spoken to each other, become real neighbors.
Vintage Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC
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A collection of letters--to ancestors, to children five generations from now, to strangers in grocery lines, to any and all who feel weary and discouraged--written by award-winning novelists, poets, political thinkers, and activists.
Jennifer Egan and best-selling Celeste Ng come together for a compelling discussion of their new novels, Manhattan Beach and Little Fires Everywhere, two stories of family secrets and the children who discover them. Performances by Cindy Cheung (Mistress America) and Susannah Rogers (The Diary of a Teenage Girl).
Pub. Date
Set in a Lower East Side tenement in the early days of the COVID-19 lockdowns, Fourteen Days is an irresistibly propulsive collaborative novel from the Authors Guild, with an unusual twist: each character in this diverse, eccentric cast of New York neighbors has been secretly written by a different, major literary voice--from Margaret Atwood and John Grisham to Tommy Orange and Celeste Ng. One week into the COVID-19 shutdown, tenants of a Lower East...