Joseph Pearce
J. R. R. Tolkien's magnum opus, The Lord of the Rings has been beloved for generations, selling millions of copies and selling millions more tickets through its award-winning film adaptations. The immense cultural impact of this epic is undeniable, but the deeper meaning of the story often goes unnoticed. Here, Joseph Pearce, author of Bilbo's Journey uncovers the rich-and distinctly Christian-meaning just beneath the surface of The Lord of the Rings....
Poetry is meant for everyone.
For you. For your child. But where to start?
Poems Every Child Should Know is here to help.
Selected and accompanied by commentary from bestselling author and literature professor Joseph Pearce, this exciting collection of verse contains classic poems that every child should know to begin a poetic ascent towards God. Not only that, but these poems are chosen so as to help all "become as little children," and are...
Hilaire Belloc is one of the most important writers of the twentieth century. At turns reviled or revered, depending on the audience, he was a razor sharp social commenter and a master of both poetry and prose, who continues to captivate readers. In Old Thunder, Joseph Pearce examines Belloc's enduring impact on British intellectual life. Along the way, Pearce uncovers Belloc's relationships with Chesterton, Waugh, and Sassoon, among others. Pearce...
Beloved by generations of readers, the Chronicles of Narnia are thought, erroneously, by some to be "mere children's stories." In this volume, Joseph Pearce thoroughly debunks the error as he skillfully explains why there is nothing "mere" about such stories. Rather, the Narnia books contain profound insights concerning the human condition. Pearce, however, goes beyond even that and illuminates the deeper riches and profound truths found therein:...
A lo largo de estos siglos, algunas interpretaciones sobre la obra de Shakespeare han desdibujado su obra y también su figura, alejándola de la realidad. Diversos colectivos, interesados en ganarle para su causa, han ido oscureciendo ese torrente de luz que emana de piezas como El mercader de Venecia, Hamlet o El rey Lear. Con honestidad intelectual, Joseph Pearce ahonda en su obra desde la mirada del propio autor, respetando lo que él quería...
Father Richard Ho Lung, M.O.P. - poet, teacher, musician - is the founder of the Missionaries of the Poor, one of the fastest growing religious orders in the world. Known as the "reggae priest," Fr. Ho Lung had a hit single and critically acclaimed musical. He and his band - Father Ho Lung and Friends - toured the world. In his spare time he taught literature at the University of the West Indies. In 1980, he left behind the fame and academic life,...
Join Joseph Pearce as he explores the great theological depth of the most popular work of literature in the twentieth century, J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Despite the absence of any direct mention of Christ or the Catholic Church, Tolkien described his work as "fundamentally religious and Catholic." He was able to infuse his fictional world with theological orthodoxy through his creation of myth and a world order. Endowing his protagonists...
In this course, Professor Joseph Pearce shows that Tolkien's own words about The Lord of the Rings being a "fundamentally religious and Catholic work" also apply to The Hobbit.
Professor Pearce guides you through various life lessons discovered through an in-depth reading of The Hobbit:
Bilbo grows in maturity, wisdom, compassion, self-sacrifice, and heroism over the course of his journey to the Lonely Mountain. At the end of the novel, Gandalf...
In Bilbo's Journey, go beyond the dragons, dwarves, and elves, and discover the surprisingly deep meaning of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic novel The Hobbit.
Bilbo's quest to find and slay the dragon Smaug is a riveting tale of daring and heroism, but as renowned Tolkien scholar Joseph Pearce shows, it is not simply Bilbo's journey, it is our journey too.
It is the Christian journey of self-sacrifice out of love for others, and abandonment to providence...
A third of a century ago, E. F. Schumacher rang out a timely warning against the idolatry of giantism with his book Small Is Beautiful. Schumacher, a highly respected economist and adviser to third-world governments, broke ranks with the accepted wisdom of his peers to warn of impending calamity if rampant consumerism, technological dynamism, and economic expansionism were not checked by human and environmental considerations.
Joseph Pearce...
Joseph Pearce...
Pope Benedict XVI will go down in Church history as one of the greatest popes. In this heartfelt defense of Pope Benedict's words and works, a tribute to his life and legacy and a homage to his sanity and sanctity, Joseph Pearce's biography provides an unforgettable encounter with this great historical figure.
As the defender of the Faith, Pope Benedict XVI fought tirelessly and largely successfully against the forces of secularism first as the indomitable...
C. S. Lewis, the great British novelist and Christian apologist, has been credited by many-including the author-for aiding their journey to the Catholic Church. For this reason, it is often perplexing that Lewis himself never became Catholic. In C. S. Lewis and the Catholic Church, Joseph Pearce delves into Lewis's life, writings, and spiritual influences to shed light on the matter. Although C. S. Lewis's conversion to Christianity was greatly influenced...
Before he was the world's foremost Catholic biographer, Joseph Pearce was a leader of the National Front, a British-nationalist, white-supremacist group. Before he published books highlighting and celebrating the great Catholic cultural tradition, he disseminated literature extolling the virtues of the white race, and calling for the banishment of all non-white from Britain. Pearce and his cohorts were at the center of the racial and nationalist tensions-often...
Join Joseph Pearce on a journey into the real Shire-a voyage into the mysterious presence of an England which is more real than the one you are accustomed to seeing, the one which seems to be in terminal decline. The England Pearce wants us to know is an enchanted and unchanging place, full of ghosts who are as alive as the saints. It is an England that is rural, sacramental, liturgical, local, beautiful . . . a place "charged with the grandeur of...
Discover the Christian meaning in The Hobbit In Bilbo's Journey go beyond the dragons, dwarves, and elves, and discover the surprisingly deep meaning of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic novel The Hobbit. Bilbo's quest to find and slay the dragon Smaug is a riveting tale of daring and heroism, but as renowned Tolkien scholar Joseph Pearce shows, it is not simply Bilbo's journey, it is our journey too. It is the Christian journey of self-sacrifice out of love...
16) Monaghan: A Life
Pizza mogul, sports owner, billionaire, devout Catholic, university founder, philanthropist. These are just a few of the many words that describe Tom Monaghan. The man who built Domino's Pizza into an empire, owned the Detroit Tigers, built a Catholic college, then moved it halfway across the country and turned it into a university surrounded by a growing city ... is all of those things and more. Much more as both his admirers and detractors would...
The combination of the latest brain research with the new image of the shape of reality emerging from quantum physics challenges us to see ourselves anew, according to Pearce, who provides a wealth of knowledge about how we develop, learn, create and relate to the universe we inhabit. He suggests that intelligence is much more than just brainpower and may, indeed, have its source in the human heart.
18) Bond Of Power
The author of The Crack in The Cosmic Egg (Julian Press 1971) and Bond of Power (Dutton 1981) tells of a metamorphosis that has occurred in his life--one he claims is available for each of us, and one based upon our human birthright. Our rational mind can only take us so far, and then we all must tap into the deep well of wisdom residing within.
20) Magical Living
Pearce reappears after several years of living in the wilderness, which included building a log cabin by hand and finding a guru. He discusses meditation, child development, and ways to nurture a sense of wonder in ourselves and our children.