Guide to tabular presentation
Estimates and projection by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin
States, metropolitan areas, cities
Profiles of elderly, racial, and Hispanic-origin populations
Native and foreign-born populations
Marital status and households
Section 2: Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorces:
Sexuality and family planning
Section 3: Health And Nutrition:
National health expenditure accounts
Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP
Healthcare industry revenue and employment
Hospitals and healthcare utilization
Food consumption, nutrition
Overview: All levels of education
Primary and secondary schools
Section 5: Law Enforcement, Courts, And Prisons:
Law enforcement and arrests
Fire departments and property losses
Section 6: Geography And Environment:
Municipal hazardous waste
Voter registration and vote results
Section 8: State And Local Government Finances And Employment:
Aid to state and local governments
State and local governments
Local government finances
Section 9: Federal Government Finances And Employment:
Budget receipts, outlays, debt
Federal employment, payroll, and facilities
Section 10: National Security And Veterans Affairs:
National defense outlays, expenditures, personnel
Military sales and assistance
Section 11: Social Insurance And Human Services:
Government transfer payments
Social security, retirement funds, and other income assistance
Federal food programs and family assistance
Child care, child support
Social services providers
Section 12: Labor Force, Employment, And Earnings:
Occupations and employment projections
Compensation and hours worked
Section 13: Income, Expenditures, Poverty, And Wealth:
Personal and household income
Section 15: Business Enterprise:
Sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations
Establishments, employees, payroll
Firms, births, deaths, expansions and contractions
Women- and minority-owned businesses
Investment, capital expenditures
Section 16: Science And Technology:
Research and development funds, outlays
Science and engineering degrees
Science and engineering employment
Farm balance sheet, income
Agricultural exports and imports
Section 18: Forestry, Fishing, And Mining:
Natural resource-related industries
Mining, minerals, and energy resources
Section 19: Energy And Utilities:
Energy production, consumption
Energy expenditures and trade
Section 20: Construction And Housing:
Construction industry indicators
Housing occupancy and tenure
Nonresidential construction
Section 21: Manufactures:
Hours and earnings of production workers
Shipments, inventories, new orders, and finances
Industry reports by subject and subsector
Section 22: Wholesale And Retail Trade:
Section 23: Transportation:
Water transportation and port traffic
Motor vehicle registrations and fuel consumption
Urban transit and commuting
Trucks, railroads, and pipelines
Section 24: Information industries
Publishing: newspapers, books and online
Recording media and broadcasting
Section 25: Banking, Finance, And Insurance:
Flow of funds, financial assets, and liabilities
Payment instruments, credit and debit cards
Consumer credit, mortgage debt
Money stock, interest rates
Stocks and bonds, equity ownership, mutual funds
Insurance and real estate
Section 26: Arts, Recreation, And Travel:
Employees, establishments, and payroll
Parks and wildlife activities
Section 27: Accommodation, Food Services, And Other Services:
Section 28: Foreign Commerce And Aid:
International transactions
Foreign grants and credits
Section 29: Puerto Rico And The Island Areas:
Section 30: International Statistics:
World population, vital statistics
Appendix 1: Guide to sources of statistics, state statistical abstracts, and foreign statistical abstracts
Appendix 2: Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas: concepts, components, and population
Appendix 3: Limitations of the data
Appendix 4: Weights and measures