Catalog Search Results
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Boylston - Entering Fourth Grade
Lunenburg - YA Banned Books
Marlborough Public Library Children's Books Adapted Into Movies
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Lunenburg - YA Banned Books
Marlborough Public Library Children's Books Adapted Into Movies
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"Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility. All he knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley -- a great big swollen spoiled bully. Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday...
Dog Man volume 13
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Discover the origin of our beloved characters from the Dog Man series as they join forces to stop the Space Cuties from destroying the city. Will the past predict the future for Dog Man and his friends? Will goodness and bravery prevail? Can anything happen if you truly believe?
When the government of the magic world and authorities at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry refuse to believe in the growing threat of a freshly revived Lord Voldemort, fifteen-year-old Harry Potter finds support from his loyal friends in facing the evil wizard and other new terrors.
Harry Potter wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys. He wants to dream about Cho Chang, his crush (and maybe do more than dream). He wants to find out about the mysterious event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. Unfortunately for Harry Potter,...
Wild robot volume 1
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Agawam Staff Picks - For Kids
Boylston - Entering Fifth Grade
Marlborough Public Library Children's Books Adapted Into Movies
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Boylston - Entering Fifth Grade
Marlborough Public Library Children's Books Adapted Into Movies
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Roz the robot discovers that she is alone on a remote, wild island with no memory of where she is from or why she is there, and her only hope of survival is to try to learn about her new environment from the island's hostile inhabitants.
When robot Roz opens her eyes for the first time, she discovers that she is alone on a remote, wild island. She has no idea how she got there or what her purpose is - but she knows she needs to survive. After battling...
7) Unraveled
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The past and present unravel into staggering truths in this can't-miss installment of the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling Keeper of the Lost Cities series told entirely from Keefe's point of view.
Please be careful. Please be happy. And PLEASE forget all about me. It'll be better for everyone that way.
Those were the last words Keefe Sencen wrote to Sophie Foster before he ran away to the Forbidden Cities....
Please be careful. Please be happy. And PLEASE forget all about me. It'll be better for everyone that way.
Those were the last words Keefe Sencen wrote to Sophie Foster before he ran away to the Forbidden Cities....
Harry Potter (Original series) volume 3
Recorded books
Harry Potter illustrated volume 3
Year ... at Hogwarts volume 3
Recorded books
Harry Potter illustrated volume 3
Year ... at Hogwarts volume 3
For twelve long years, the dread fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. Convicted of killing thirteen people with a single curse, he was said to be the heir apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Now he has escaped, leaving only two clues as to where he might be headed: Harry Potter's defeat of You-Know-Who was Black's downfall as well. And the Azkaban guards heard Black muttering in his sleep, "He's at Hogwarts... he's at...
Impossible creatures volume 1
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A boy called Christopher is visiting his reclusive grandfather when he witnesses an avalanche of mythical creatures come tearing down the hill. This is how Christopher learns that his grandfather is the guardian of one of the ways between the non-magical world and a place called the Archipelago, a cluster of magical islands where all the creatures we tell of in myth live and breed and thrive alongside humans. They have been protected from being discovered...
Heroes of Olympus volume 2
Demigod Percy Jackson, still with no memory, and his new friends from Camp Jupiter, Hazel and Frank, go on a quest to free Death, but their bigger task is to unite the Greek and Roman camps so that the Prophecy of Seven can be fulfilled.
Wild robot volume 2
Shipwrecked on a remote, wild island, Robot Roz learned from the unwelcoming animal inhabitants and adapted to her surroundings--but can she survive the challenges of the civilized world and find her way home to Brightbill and the island? After being captured by the Recons and returned to civilization for reprogramming, Roz is sent to Hilltop Farm where she befriends her owner's family and animals, but pines for her son, Brightbill.
Harry Potter (Original series) volume 2
Year ... at Hogwarts volume 2
Harry Potter [series] volume 2
Harry Potter Narrated by Stephen Fry
Year ... at Hogwarts volume 2
Harry Potter [series] volume 2
Harry Potter Narrated by Stephen Fry
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"The Dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all Harry Potter wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. But just as he's packing his bags, Harry receives a warning from a strange, impish creature named Dobby who says that if Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts, disaster will strike. And strike it does. For in Harry's second year at Hogwarts, fresh torments and horrors arise, including an outrageously stuck-up...
Spy school volume 12
On another harrowing mission, survival training comes in handy when Ben Ripley is stranded in the wilderness with his nemesis, Murray Hill.
15) Out of my mind
Out of my mind volume 1
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"Eleven-year-old Melody has a photographic memory. Her head is like a video camera that is always recording. Always. And there's no delete button. She's the smartest kid in her whole school -- but NO ONE knows it. Most people -- her teachers and doctors included -- don't think she's capable of learning, and up until recently her school days consisted of listening to the same preschool-level alphabet lessons again and again and again. If only she could...
Wild robot volume 3
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The New York Times bestselling The Wild Robot series returns, taking Roz on an action-packed under-the-ocean journey to save her beloved island! Life for Roz and the animals on their island is perfect. But when mysterious, dangerous waters surround the island, the animals are forced inland to fight over dwindling resources. Roz calms and organizes the animals, but the poison tide takes a terrible toll on the island. So the wild robot sets out across...
17) Little women
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Boylston - Grade 7 Summer Work
Fitchburg - Fiction set in MA
Marlborough Public Library Children's Historical Fiction
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Fitchburg - Fiction set in MA
Marlborough Public Library Children's Historical Fiction
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"Little Women is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832?1888), which was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. Alcott wrote the books rapidly over several months at the request of her publisher. The novel follows the lives of four sisters?Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March?detailing their passage from childhood to womanhood, and is loosely based on the author and her three sisters. Little Women was an immediate commercial and...
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"When Karen adopts a grandmother from Stoneybrook Manor, she has more grandmas than anyone she knows--five! Karen thinks that is very special. But Karen's new grandmother is so different! Grandma B makes Karen listen to old music, and she teaches Karen funny dances, like the foxtrot. Are five grandmothers too many for Karen?"--
19) Out of my dreams
Out of my mind volume 3
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"Melody is electric with excitement. She did something very, very wonderful for someone who was very, very thankful. And now she's going on her first ever airplane flight ... to London. Will her wheelchair make it there in one piece? Will she finally find a best friend to be silly with? Go on a heart-thumping adventure? Maybe even meet a prince? Will she be brave enough to give a speech... when she has never uttered a single word in her entire life?...
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