Commonwealth Catalog If you can't find it in our local catalog, you can search other libraries across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via the Commonwealth Catalog (also known as ComCat). Requests will be delivered to your local library for pickup.
Local History and Genealogy Left: Historic photograph of the spiral staircase in the Hubbard Memorial Library, ca. 1895-1920. Right: Modern photograph of the staircase in 2024. The Hubbard Memorial Library has a small collection of local history reso
Explore Springfield history through local news, events and people with the Republican Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. The archive goes all the way back to the first issue from 1844. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device with a library card.
The Hubbard Memorial Library offers some digital and physical resources that can help you discover Ludlow's history and maybe even your own. This link will take you to our Local History page with more information.
Watch the recorded Gravestone Girls presentation, Welcome to the Graveyard. You'll go on a virtual tour of Ludlow and local cemeteries. You'll learn about different gravestones and the history of cemeteries. This presentation was given at the Hubbard Memorial Library on October 17, 2024. It was filmed by Ludlow Community TV.
Watch the recorded speaker event, Witness to History: A Holocaust Survivor's Story. Abraham Rodstein, currently a Ludlow resident, shares his story of surviving the Kovno Ghetto and the Dachau Concentration Camp. It is facilitated by local writer, Tom Slawiak. This event was sponsored by the Hubbard Memorial Library and the Ludlow Historical Commission. Recording was made possible by Ludlow Community Television.
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