

ADULT: Diamond Painting Magnets

10:00am - 11:30am

Join us the first Monday of the month for a morning craft with Morgan. For questions call the circulation desk at 413-583-3408. If you would like to reserve your place, you may register on our website by clicking the link below. Drop-in guests are welcome, while supplies last. Note: Registration is limited to the first 14 registrants, please cancel your registration if you will not be able to make it so we may offer your seat to another crafter.

3-5 YEAR OLDS: Spring Storytime session "Out of This World Stories"

10:00am - 11:00am

Monday morning storytime!

The storytime theme for the spirng session is “Out of This World Stories," a journey through space including the sun, stars, the moon, astronauts & more. Each storytime includes about 30 minutes of stories, finger-plays, songs and games related to that week’s theme, followed by a craft project and a snack; the total storytime runs approximately 60 minutes.

There will be no storytime on 4/8 or 4/15.

Once you register, you are signed up for the entire 5-week session. Please let us know if you cannot attend.

Please click below to register.


This program is crafted specifically for the attention span and interest level of 3-5 year olds. If your child is younger than 3 or may not be up for sitting and listening to 4-5 stories with 1-2 song or game breaks in between, you may want to consider our storytime for 2-3 year olds, which runs on Wednedays at 10am. If your child isn't the sit and listen type, you might also consider our Thursday morning playgroups Grow, Play & Learn for Babies & Toddlers at 9:45am, or Grow Play & Learn for 2-5 year olds at 10:45, sponsored by Pathways for Parents CFCE. 


Please click below to register.

AGE 8+: Pokemon Club

3:30pm - 4:45pm


Join us for trading, dueling, & gaming on handhelds, phones, or Nintendo Switch, and watching Pokemon episodes and movies. Please have your name on everything you bring to the club. Please click below to register.

TWEENS & TEENS: Pokemon Club

3:30pm - 5:00pm


Join us for trading, dueling, & gaming on handhelds, phones, or Nintendo Switch. Please have your name on everything you bring to the club. Please click below to register.